Craney Island Mosquito Management

The Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area is a 2,500-acre confined dredged material disposal site located in Portsmouth, Virginia.

The geography and features of the site create a habitat for mosquitoes in which they can live and breed.

Norfolk District's Integrated Pest Management Plan is an adaptive approach to mosquito population management at Craney Island, as the  quality of life of the Portsmouth community is a top priority. 

These mosquito surveillance and control activities are in accord with the Department of Defense guidelines on reducing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and have the added benefit of reducing nuisance mosquito populations at Craney Island and the adjacent areas of Portsmouth, Virginia. 

The Norfolk District uses a three-pronged approach to mosquito control at CIDMMA, incorporating habitat control, larvae & adult control and surveillance:

  • Source Reduction
    Land management activities to reduce mosquito habitat. This includes pumping dredge material into the cells to keep mosquito populations down, mowing, herbiciding and ditching (dewatering an area before mosquito emergence can occur).
  • Surveillance
    Information gathering and analysis, which includes weather forecasts, mosquito trap numbers from and citizen complaints to the City of Portsmouth, and larvae observed on Craney Island.
  • Larvae Control
    Aerial spraying of pesticides and biological control (bacteria) to target developing mosquitoes. Officials schedule larvicide spraying based on standing water amounts and the presence of larvae observed on Craney Island.
  • Adult Control
    Aerial spraying of pesticides/adulticides. Officials schedule adulticide spraying based on mosquito trap numbers, mosquito complaints the City of Portsmouth receives, and projected weather.

The Norfolk District does not have the authority to spray over city or private property; spraying efforts are limited to federal property. Officials coordinate mosquito adulticide flights with the City of Portsmouth so the city can synchronize their spraying on non-federal areas in order to maximize the effectiveness of the treatments in northern parts of Portsmouth.

Norfolk District adheres to the Virginia Department of Agriculture's pesticide laws and regulations, and gives 48 hours notice before spraying.

Notices from the Norfolk District will also remind local beekeepers to keep their bees covered when adulticide spraying is scheduled.


District schedules Craney Island mosquito treatment for August 9
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has scheduled aerial mosquito treatment on August 10th, over the federal property on Craney Island...
757th Airlift Squadron to conduct aerial moquito spray over Craney Island July 23
The 757th Airlift Squadron assigned to Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, will conduct an aerial mosquito spray over Craney Island and the Churchland section of Portsmouth overnight Tuesday, 23...
District schedules Craney Island mosquito treatment for July 23
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has scheduled aerial mosquito treatment on July 23rd, over the federal property on Craney Island...
District schedules Craney Island mosquito treatment for July 15
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has scheduled aerial mosquito treatment on July 15th, over the federal property on Craney Island...

Spraying Schedule

Upcoming aerial spraying
Future spraying is scheduled based on mosquito counts and weather conditions.


Mail logo with envelopeClick here to receive notices about scheduled spraying at Craney Island.


Portsmouth Mosquito Hotline

Portsmouth residents can call to report mosquito problems between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The City of Portsmouth respond to all calls within 48 hours. Please provide a name, address and phone number.