PROJECT STATUS (as of 2024): Planning
The Tangier-Pocomoke Sound Oyster Recovery Project was the first reef project that the Norfolk District completed under the 704(b) authority in 2001. The original project was the construction of an 150-acres of harvest reef and 8-acres of sanctuary reef throughout the Tangier-Pocomoke Sound using dredged fossil shell. The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) was the non-federal sponsor for the project contributing to the effort through the continued replenishment of existing reefs and fossil shell credits. Langenfelder Marine was the contractor. After years of monitoring and restoration techniques advancing, the Norfolk District in partnership with VMRC have decided to return to Tangier-Pocomoke Sound region to explore the available bottom for the construction of both harvest and sanctuary reefs. The 2012 USACE Master Plan restoration acreage for this area ranges from 3000-5900 acres. A large scale planning effort will take place from 2024-2026 to determine the scale of the Tangier project and what type of assistance the Federal government can provide for returning to harvest reef construction. Design efforts are estimated to begin in 2026 with the first construction contract to be awarded in 2028. The predicted size of this effort will likely result in a multi-phased approach with multiple construction contracts.
704B of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986
Authorization requires a cost share of 75% federal and 25% non-federal for Chesapeake Bay Oyster projects.
Construction Contract for Phase 1 (158 acres shell) = $2,555,000 Langenfelder Marine