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Tag: Accokeek Creek
  • NAO-2022-01808 (NP Austin Ridge, LLC, Stafford, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 7/6/2023

    NP Austin Ridge, LLC has proposed to construct four warehouse and associated parking, utilities, internal roads, and stormwater management ponds to serve the Washington DC metropolitan area. Public comments should be received by the close of business on July 6, 2023

  • NAO-2017-00237

    Expiration date: 7/8/2017

    The applicant proposes to relocate the Interstate 95/Route 630 Interchange south of the existing interchange, including two new parallel bridges that will carry Rt. 630 (Courthouse Road) over I-95. An existing park and ride lot will be relocated and a second new lot will be added. The project includes bicycle and pedestrian facilities and stormwater management facilities. Proposed permanent impacts are 0.74 acres wetlands, 2,563 linear feet perennial streams, and 365 linear feet intermittent streams.

  • NAO-2017-00129

    Expiration date: 5/19/2017

    The applicant proposes to widen and reconstruct 1.9 miles of Route 630 from 800 feet west of its intersection with Ramouth Church (Route 628) to Route 732 (Cedar Lane). In addition to widening to four lanes, the proposed project also includes turn lanes, the realignment of the Route 628 (Ramouth Church & Winding Creek)/Route 630 intersection, construction of stormwater management facilities construction, and a shared use path along the westbound lane and a sidewalk along portions of the eastbound lane to accommodate pedestrian access to Colonial Forge High and Winding Creek Elementary schools.